Featured Publications

Propensity towards Ownership and Use of Automated Vehicles: Who Are the Adopters? Who Are the Non-adopters? Who Is Hesitant?
Le, Tho V. and Giovanni Circella 
Advancing Alternative Fuel Aviation Technologies in California
Liu, Yati, Mark Hansen, Jin Wook Ro, Colin Murphy 
Electric Vehicles and Rooftop Solar Energy: Consumption Values Influencing Decisions and Barriers to Co-adoption in the United States
Bull, Stephen, Koral Buch, Coco Freling, Scott Hardman, Jeremy Firestone 
Not All Ride-Hailing Trips Are Created Equal: An Examination of Additional Trips Enabled by Ride-Hailing and the Users Who Made Them
Loa, Patrick, Xiatian Iogansen, Yongsung Lee, Giovanni Circella 
Investigating Travel Demand Heterogeneity During and After the Pandemic in the Northern California Megaregion: A Data-Driven Analysis of Origin–Destination Structural Patterns
Gulhare, Siddhartha, Ran Sun, Keita Makino, Krishna Behara, David S. Bunch, Giovanni Circella 
Brief: Assessing the Shift to Remote and Hybrid Work in California throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
Iogansen, Xiatian, Yongsung Lee, Giovanni Circella, Jai Malik 
2030 Hydrogen Goals in the Road Transportation Sector: A Comparative Analysis Between the European Union and California
Restrepo, Laura, Lewis Fulton, Lukas Wernert 
Market Prospects of Fuel Cell vs. Battery-Electric Trucks in Medium- and Heavy-Duty Segments from 2025 to 2040
Zhao, Jingyuan, Andrew Burke, Marshall Miller, Lewis Fulton 
Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities of Different Last-Mile Delivery Strategies
Jaller, Miguel, Anmol Pahwa, Jean Daniel Saphores, Michael Hyland 
Brief: A Detailed Look at How the Pandemic Changed Travel Patterns Across Regions in Northern California Megaregion
Gulhare, Siddhartha and Giovanni Circella 
Equity Evaluation of Community-Based Public EV Charging Services – A Case Study of the Sacramento Region
Zhang, Yunteng and Yueyue Fan 
Chapter 10: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Electric Vehicle Battery Lifetime Diagnostics
Zhao, Jingyuan and Andrew Burke 
Assessing the Total Cost of Ownership of Electric Vehicles among California Households 
Chakraborty, Debapriya, Theodora Konstantinou, Julia Beatriz Gutierrez Lopez, Gil Tal 
Future of Global Electric Vehicle Supply Chain: Exploring the Impact of Global Trade on Electric Vehicle Production and Battery Requirements
Busch, Pablo, Francisco Pares, Minal Chandra, Alissa Kendall, Gil Tal 
How Many More Public Charging Stations Do We Need? A Data-Driven Approach Considering Charging Station Overflow Dynamics
Weekx, Simon, Gil Tal, Lieselot Vanhaverbeke 
Projections of the Costs of Light-Duty Battery-Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles (2020–2040) And Related Economic Issues
Burke, Andrew, Jingyuan Zhao, Lewis Fulton 
Evaluating Private and System-Wide Impacts of Freight Eco-Routing
Pahwa, Anmol and Miguel Jaller 
California FCEV and Hydrogen Refueling Station Deployment: Requirements and Costs to 2050
Fulton, Lewis and UC Davis ITS Hydrogen Study Team 
Usage-Aware Representation Learning for Critical Information Identification in Transportation Networks
Sun, Ran and Yueyue Fan 
Brief: Lessons Learned from Abroad: Potential Influence of California High-Speed Rail on Economic Development, Land Use Patterns, and Future Growth of Cities
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia, Giovanni Circella, Maria Carolina Lecompte, Lucia Rossignol 
Effects of Road Collisions on the Travel Behavior of Vulnerable Groups: Expert Interview Findings
Bhuiya, Md Musfiqur Rahman, Jesus M. Barajas, Prashanth S. Venkataram 
Life Cycle Assessment of Emerging Battery Systems
Kendall, Alissa 
End of Life EV Battery Policy Simulator: A Dynamic Systems, Mixed-Methods Approach
Kendall, Alissa, Margaret Slattery, Jessica Dunn 
Change in Work Arrangement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Large Shift to Remote and Hybrid Work
Iogansen, Xiatian, Jai Malik, Yongsung Lee, Giovanni Circella 
Measuring the Emissions and Socioeconomic Benefits of CARB’s Incentives and Regulatory Programs: The Light-Duty Vehicle Sector Programs
Chakraborty, Debapriya, Scott Hardman, Kelly Hoogland, Amrita Chakraborty, Gil Tal, Juan Carlos Garcia Sanchez, Theodora Konstantinou 
Cars and Chargers in the Country: Rural PEV Owner Accounts of Charging and Travel in California
Robinson, Anya and Scott Hardman 
Hydrogen Storage and Transport: Technologies and Costs


Burke, AndrewJoan M. OgdenLewis FultonSimonas Cerniauskas 
International Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Vehicle Infrastructure: Policy Playbook
Fulton, Lewis, Marshall Miller, Jonathan Gruen  
Assessing Sustainability of E-Commerce Goods Distribution
Anmol Pahwa 
Investigating Evolving Travel Behaviors in the Post-Pandemic Period in California
Circella, Giovanni, Basar Ozbilen, Siddhartha Gulhare, Keita Makino, Aurojeet Jena, Xiatian Iogansen, Patrick Loa, Yongsung Lee 
If Pooling with a Discount were Available for the Last Solo-Ridehailing Trip, How Much Additional Travel Time Would Users Have Accepted and for Which Types of Trips?
Circella, Giovanni, Yongsung Lee, Ilsu Kim, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Grace Chen 
If You Build It, Will They Notice? Public Charging Density, Charging Infrastructure Awareness, and Consideration to Purchase an Electric Vehicle
Hoogland, KellyKenneth S. KuraniScott HardmanDebapriya Chakraborty 
The Cost of Aggressive Electrification Targets – Who Bears the Burden Without Mitigating Policies
Chakraborty, DebapriyaAdam DavisGil Tal 
Releasing the Pressure: Understanding Upstream Graphite Value Chains and Implications for Supply Diversification
Ramji, Aditya and Kristi Dayemo 
Investigating Investment Plans for Expanding Battery and Electric Vehicle Production in Europe
Yang, Hong and Lewis Fulton 
India-Led Electric Two-Wheeler Transitions in the Global South
Ramji, AdityaMinal ChandraLewis Fulton 
Fuel Portfolio Scenario Modeling (Fpsm) Of 2030 and 2035 Low Carbonfuel Standard Targets in California
Ro, Jin WookColin MurphyQian Wang 
Charting the Electric Vehicle Battery Reuse and Recycling Network in North America
Slattery, MargaretJessica DunnAlissa Kendall 
A Regional Analysis of Electric LDV Portfolio Choices by Vehicle Manufacturers
Ramji, Aditya and Hanif Tayarani 
Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Travel Demand and Emissions in California
Sun, RanGiovanni CircellaMiguel Jaller MarteloXiaodong QianFarzad Alemi 
Investigating the Temporary and Longer-term Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mobility in California
Circella, GiovanniXiatian LogansenKeita MakinoJunia CompostellaMischa YoungJai Malik 
Developing a Deep Learning Tool to Detect Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Failures
Karanam, Vaishnavi and Gil Tal 

Electric Cars in California:  Early Adopters' Total Cost of Ownership

Buch, KoralDebapriya ChakrabortyGil Tal 
Exploring Factors Related to Future Electric Vehicle Ownership Across Rural California
Robinson, AnyaTheodora KonstantinouGil Tal 
Social, Technological, and Economic Barriers to Heavy-Duty Truck Electrification
Sugihara, ClaireScott HardmanKenneth S. Kurani 
The Role of Clean Fuel Systems in a California Hydrogen Transition: A Comparison of Hydrogen, Synthetic Natural Gas, and Related Fuels
Burke, Andrew and Lewis Fulton 
Vehicle Choice Modeling for Light-, Medium-, and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles in California
Burke, AndrewJingyuan ZhaoMarshall MillerLewis Fulton 
Projections of the Costs of Medium- And Heavy-Duty Battery-Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles (2020-2040) And Related Economic Issues
Burke, AndrewJingyuan ZhaoMarshall MillerAnish Kumar SinhaLewis Fulton 
The Infrastructure Cost for Depot Charging of Battery Electric Trucks
Wang, GuihuaMarshall MillerLewis Fulton 
Estimating Last-Mile Deliveries and Shopping Travel Emissions by 2050
Jaller Martelo, MiguelIvan R. XiaoSarah DennisDaniel Rivera-RoyeroAnmol Pahwa 
Determinants of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Truck Fleet Turnover
Kurani, Kenneth S.Marshall MillerClaire SugiharaEli Alston-StepnitzKevin A. Nesbitt 
Overview of Innovations in Urban Freight
Jaller Martelo, MiguelAnmol PahwaCarlos Otero-PalenciaElham Pourrahmani 
California Hydrogen Analysis Project: The Future Role of Hydrogen in a Carbon-neutral California: Final Synthesis Modeling Report


Fulton, LewisAlan JennChristopher YangAndrew BurkeTri Dev AcharyaXinwei LiJoan M. OgdenMarshall MillerJosh IraBeth Bourne 
Do Plug-in Hybrid Adopters Switch to Battery Electric Vehicles (And Vice Versa)?
Lee, Jae HyunMinyoung ChoGil TalScott Hardman 
Investigating the Temporary and Longer-term Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mobility in California
Circella, GiovanniXiatian LogansenKeita MakinoJunia CompostellaMischa YoungJai Malik 
Coping with the Rise of E-commerce Generated Home Deliveries through Innovative Last-mile Technologies and Strategies
Jaller Martelo, Miguel and Anmol Pahwa 
Electric Vehicle Lithium-ion Batteries in Lower- and Middle-income Countries: Life Cycle Impacts and Issues
Kendall, AlissaKristi DayemoNadiyah HelalGalym IskakovFrancisco ParesMargaret SlatteryLewis Fulton 
Developing a Vehicle Cost Calculator to Promote Electric Vehicle Adoption Among TNC Drivers
Sanguinetti, AngelaMatthew FavettiKate HirschfeltNathaniel KongDebapriya ChakrabortyEli Alston-StepnitzHoward Ma 
Exploring the Impact of the Federal Tax Credit on the Decision to Lease or Purchase a PEV in California
Hoogland, KellyScott HardmanDebapriya ChakrabortyDavid S. Bunch 
Decoding US Investments for Future Battery and Electric Vehicle Production
Yang, Hong and Lewis Fulton 
Understanding the Impact of Public Charging Infrastructure on the Consideration to Purchase an Electric Vehicle in California
Hoogland, KellyKenneth S. KuraniScott HardmanDebapriya Chakraborty 
Accelerating the ZEV Market in the U.S. And China
Wang, YunshiXiuli ZhangDaniel Sperling 
Technology and Fuel Transition: Pathways to Low Greenhouse Gas Futures for Cars and Trucks in the United States
Wang, QianMarshall MillerLewis Fulton 
Tech Brief: Pipelines for a Hydrogen System in California
Cerniauskas, SimonasLewis FultonJoan M. Ogden 
Modeling Future Hydrogen Supply Chains in the Western United States Under Uncertainties: An Optimization-Based Approach Focusing on California as a Hydrogen Hub
Vijayakumar, VishnuAlan JennJoan M. Ogden 
Exploring Tools for Maximizing the Potential for Electrified Transit Buses in Mexico
Tal, GilPeter BenolielJuan Carlos Garcia SanchezKevin Hernandez Rios 
Implications of Global Electric Vehicle Adoption Targets for Mexico Light Duty Auto Industry
Tal, GilFrancisco ParesPablo BuschMinal Chandra 
The Costs and Challenges of Installing Corridor DC Fast Chargers in California
Gamage, TisuraGil TalAlan Jenn 
Brief: Freight Companies Can Share Assets to Achieve Cost and Emission Reductions and Transition to Zero Emission Vehicles
Jaller Martelo, Miguel and Carlos Otero-Palencia 
Brief: Jobs and Automation in the Freight and Warehousing Sector
Jaller Martelo, MiguelMollie D'AgostinoCarlos Otero-Palencia 
Deciphering the Factors Associated With Adoption of Alternative Fuel Vehicles in California: An Investigation of Latent Attitudes, Socio-Demographics, and Neighborhood Effects
Logansen, XiatianKailai WangDavid S. BunchGrant MatsonGiovanni Circella 
Challenges Faced by People with Disabilities in Public and Active Transportation Systems in the United States of America
Venkataram, Prashanth S.Justin FlynnGiovanni CircellaDaniel Sperling 
Challenges Facing People with Disabilities in Private Vehicular Transportation in the United States of America
Venkataram, Prashanth S.Justin FlynnGiovanni CircellaDaniel Sperling 
Brief: People with Disabilities in California Want Density, Improved Streets and Buses to Help Pedestrians, Bus Riders, and Car Drivers
Flynn, JustinGiovanni CircellaPrashanth S. Venkataram 
Modeling Expected Air Quality Impacts of Oregon's Proposed Expanded Clean Fuels Program
Li, YitingGuihua WangColin MurphyMichael J. Kleeman 
Pass-Through of Alternative Fuel Policy Incentives: Evidence from Diesel and Biodiesel Markets, the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard, and Low Carbon Fuel Standards in California and Oregon
Mazzone, DanielAaron SmithJulie Witcover 
To Purchase or Lease: Investigating the Finance Decision of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Owners in California
Hoogland, KellyDebapriya ChakrabortyScott Hardman 
Creating a Global Hydrogen Economy: Review of International Strategies, Targets, and Policies with a Focus on Japan, Germany, South Korea, and California
Vijayakumar, VishnuLewis FultonMahdi ShamsDaniel Sperling 
Evaluation of the Economics of Battery-Electric and Fuel Cell Trucks and Buses: Methods, Issues, and Results
Burke, AndrewMarshall MillerAnish Kumar SinhaLewis Fulton 
The Current and Future Performance and Costs of Battery Electric Trucks: Review of Key Studies and A Detailed Comparison of Their Cost Modeling Scope and Coverage
Wang, GuihuaLewis FultonMarshall Miller 
Evaluation of the Economics of Light-Duty Battery-Electric and Fuel Cell Passenger Cars, SUVs, and Trucks: Methods, Issues, and Infrastructure
Burke, AndrewAnish Kumar SinhaLewis Fulton 
Development, Performance, and Vehicle Applications of High Energy Density Electrochemical Capacitors
Burke, Andrew and Jingyuan Zhao 
Assessment of Requirements, Costs, and Benefits of Providing Charging Facilities for Battery-Electric Heavy-Duty Trucks at Safety Roadside Rest Areas
Burke, Andrew 
Electric Vehicle Incentives in 15 Leading Electric Vehicle Markets
Kohn, EbenChristopher HuangNathaniel KongScott Hardman 
Estimating Maintenance and Repair Costs for Battery Electric and Fuel Cell Heavy Duty Trucks
Wang, GuihuaMarshall MillerLewis Fulton 
Brief: Minimizing the Impact of Freight Traffic on Disadvantaged Communities
Jaller, Miguel and Anmol Pahwa 
Plug-in Electric Vehicle Diffusion in California: Role of Exposure to New Technology at Home and Work
Chakraborty, DebapriyaDavid S. BunchBingzheng XuDavid BrownstoneGil Tal 
The Compact City Scenario – Electrified
Lewis Fulton, D. Taylor Reich (ITDP), Maha Ahmad, Giovanni Circella, Davis Jacob Mason (ITDP) 
Spatial Modeling of Future Light- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Travel and Refueling Patterns in California
Acharya, Tri DevAlan JennMarshall MillerLewis Fulton 
Integrating Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) into Household Fleets - Factors Influencing Miles Traveled by PEV Owners in California
Debapriya ChakrabortyScott HardmanGil Tal 
Low Carbon Scenario Analysis of a Hydrogen-Based Energy Transition for On-Road Transportation in California
Vishnu VijayakumarAlan JennLewis Fulton 
Climate and transportation policy sequencing in California and Quebec
Mark PurdonJulie WitcoverColin MurphySonya ZiajaMark WinfieldGenevieve GiulianoCharles SéguinColleen KaiserJacques PapyLewis Fulton 
Multijurisdictional Status Review of Low Carbon Fuel Standards, 2010–2020 Q2: California, Oregon, and British Columbia
Mazzone, DanielJulie WitcoverColin Murphy 
Fighting for Curb Space: Parking, Ride-Hailing, Urban Freight Deliveries, and Other Users
Jaller, MiguelCaroline J. RodierMichael ZhangHuachao LinKathryn Lewis 
Will COVID Drive an Early Peak in Transportation Activity and Oil Demand?
Marianne Kah, Lew Fulton, Amy Myers Jaffe, Mark Schwartz and Mark Finley 
Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero
Brown, AustinDaniel SperlingBernadette AustinJR DeShazoLewis FultonTimothy E. LipmanColin MurphyJean Daniel SaphoresGil Tal, et al. 
Where are Used Electric Vehicles and Who are the Buyers?
Tal, GilJae Hyun LeeDebapriya ChakrabortyAdam Davis 
Cost of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Ownership: The Cost of Transitioning to Five Million Plug-In Vehicles in California
Chakraborty, DebapriyaKoral BuchGil Tal 
Emissions Impact of Connected and Automated Vehicle Deployment in California
Circella, GiovanniMiguel JallerRan SunXiaodong QianFarzad Alemi 
A deeper investigation into the effect of the built environment on the use of ridehailing for non-work travel
J Malik, DS Bunch, S Handy, and Giovanni Circella 
The True Cost of Sharing: A Detour Penalty Analysis Between Ridehailing and Shared Ridehailing Trips in Toronto
M Young, S Farber, M Palm  
Longitudinal Analysis of COVID-19 Impacts on Mobility: An Early Snapshot of the Emerging Changes in Travel Behavior
G Matson, S McElroy, Y Lee, and G Circella 
Ridehailing Demand Is Resilient Among Low-Income Travelers During the COVID-19 Pandemic (POLICY BRIEF)
G Matson, S McElroy, G Circella,  and Y Lee 
Millennial Travelers Are More Multimodal than Older Travelers, but This Trend Might Change as They Age (POLICY BRIEF)
Y Lee, P Mokhtarian, S Guhathakurta, G Circella and X Iogansen 
Brief: The Sustainability of Alternative Last-Mile Delivery Strategies
Jaller, Miguel and Anmol Pahwa 
Hydrogen Infrastructure Requirements for Zero-Emission Freight Applications in California
Li, GuozhenJoan M. OgdenMarshall Miller 
Charging Forward: Deploying Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for Uber and Lyft in California
Alan Jenn 
Road User Charge Administration: Lessons Learned from Fuel Taxes
Alan JennKelly Fleming 
Environmental Impacts of Extreme Fast Charging

Jenn, Alan and Kelly Fleming
Setting TNC Policies to Increase Sustainability
Fuller, SamTatjana KunzAustin BrownMollie D'Agostino 
Developing Markets for Zero Emission Vehicles in Short Haul Goods Movement
Giuliano, GenevieveMaged DessoukySue DexterJiawen FangShichun HuSeiji SteimetzThomas O'BrienMarshall MillerLewis Fulton 
Automation, electrification, and shared mobility in urban freight: opportunities and challenges
Jaller, MiguelCarlos Otero-PalenciaAnmol Pahwa 
Health Impact Assessment of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in San Francisco, Bay Area
Pourrahmani, ElhamMiguel JallerNeil MaizlishCaroline J. Rodier 
Equitable Congestion Pricing
Mollie Cohen D’Agostino, Paige Pellaton, and Brittany White 
Exploring the Relationships between the Use of Uber and Lyft and Other Components of Travel Behavior in California
Alemi, Farzad, and Giovanni Circella 
What Drives the Use of Ridehailing in California? Ordered Probit Models of the Usage Frequency of Uber and Lyft
Alemi, Farzad, Giovanni Circella, Patricia Mokhtarian, and Susan Handy 
Policy Pathways to TNC Electrification in California
Kelly L. Fleming, Mollie Cohen D’Agostino 
Will Millennials Drive Less as the Economy Recovers: A Postrecession Analysis of Automobile Travel Patterns. Journal of Planning Education and Research
Kailai Wang 
"Electric Cars in California: Policy and Behavior Perspectives" chapter in Who’s Driving Electric Cars 
Tal, GilKenneth S. KuraniAlan JennDebapriya ChakrabortyScott HardmanDahlia Garas 
Travel Behavior Changes Among Users of Partially Automated Vehicles
Scott Hardman 
Estimating the Costs of New Mobility Travel Options: Monetary and Non-Monetary Factors
Lewis FultonJunia CompostellaAlimurtaza Kothawala 
Optimal Range of Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Beijing and Shanghai
Xinang, Yg, Yan, Wunshi, Jenn, Alan 
Exploring the Role of Attitude in the Acceptance of Self-driving Shuttles
Xing, YanSusan L. HandyGiovanni CircellaYunshi WangFarzad Alemi 
Factors Affecting Demand for Plug-in Charging Infrastructure: An Analysis of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Commuters
Tal, GilDebapriya ChakrabortyAlan JennJ.H. LeeDavid S. Bunch 
Federal Road Charge Tax Administration Process
Jenn, Alan and Kelly Fleming 
Technology, Sustainability, and Marketing of Battery Electric and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Medium-Duty and Heavy-Duty Trucks and Buses in 2020-2040
Andrew BurkeAnish K. Sinha 
Automation, Electrification, and Shared Mobility in Freight
Jaller, MiguelCarlos Otero-PalenciaElham PourrahmaniLewis Fulton 
Analytical Modeling Framework to Assess the Economic and Environmental Impacts of Residential Deliveries, and Evaluate Sustainable Last-Mile Strategies
Jaller, Miguel and Anmol Pahwa 
Evaluating Sustainable Vehicle Technologies for Freight Transportation Using Spherical Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS
Jaller, Miguel and Irem Otay 
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Plug-in Electric Vehicles
Sanguinetti, Angela and Kenneth S. Kurani 
Brief: Automated Vehicles are Expected to Increase Driving and Emissions Without Policy Intervention
Rodier, Caroline J.Miguel JallerElham PourrahmaniAnmol PahwaJoschka BischoffJoel Freedman 
E-commerce, Warehousing and Distribution Facilities in California: A Dynamic Landscape and the Impacts on Disadvantaged Communities
Jaller, MiguelXiaodong QianXiuli Zhang 
Brief: E-commerce is Reshaping the Warehousing Landscape – and it May Impact Disadvantaged Communities
Jaller, MiguelXiaodong QianXiuli Zhang 
Uncertainty, Innovation, and Infrastructure Credits: Outlook for the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Through 2030
Bushnell, JamesDaniel MazzoneAaron SmithJulie Witcover 
Comparison of “Advanced” biofuel cost estimates: Trends during rollout of low carbon fuel policies
Julie WitcoverRob Williams 


Generalized Costs of Travel by Solo and Pooled Ridesourcing vs. Privately Owned Vehicles, and Policy Implications
Fulton, LewisAustin BrownJunia Compostella 
Brief: Developing Zero-Emission Bus and Truck Markets Will Require a Mix of Financial Incentives, Sale Mandates, and Demonstration Projects
Burke, Andrew and Marshall Miller 
Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-duty Truck Technology, Markets, and Policy Assessments for California
Burke, Andrew and Marshall Miller 
Factors Affecting Demand for Plug-in Charging Infrastructure: An Analysis of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Commuters
Tal, GilDebapriya ChakrabortyAlan JennJ.H. LeeDavid S. Bunch 
Validity Assessment and Calibration Approach for Simulation Models of Energy Efficiency of Light-Duty Vehicles
Hamza, KarimKang-Ching ChuMatthew FavettiPeter BenolielVaishnavi KaranamKen LaberteauxGil Tal 
Brief: Exploring the Role of Cities in Electrifying Passenger Transportation
Hardman, ScottDahlia GarasJeff AllenJonn AxsenGeorge BeardElisabeth DütschkeNicolò DainaErik FigenbaumPatrick JochemMichael A. NicholasPatrick PlötzNazir RefaBenjamin SovacoolDaniel SperlingFrances SpreiGil Tal 
Exploring electric vehicle charging patterns: Mixed usage of charging infrastructure
Lee, J.H.Debapriya ChakrabortyScott HardmanGil Tal 
Inventory and Fleet Purchase Decisions Under a Sustainable Regulatory Environment
Jaller, MiguelCarlos Otero-PalenciaRuben Yie-Pinedo 
Multi-Criteria and Multi-Expert Wind Power Farm Location Selection Using a Pythagorean Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Otay, Irem and Miguel Jaller 
Evaluating the Environmental Impacts of Online Shopping: A Behavioral Analysis Using the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) Data
Jaller, Miguel and Anmol Pahwa 
Simulation-Optimization Framework to Evaluate a Sustainable First Mile Transit Access Program Using Shared Mobility
Jaller, MiguelElham PourrahmaniCaroline J. RodierJoschka Bischoff 
Panel Study of Emerging Transportation Technologies and Trends in California: Phase 2 Data Collection
Circella, Giovanni, Grant Matson, Farzad Alemi, Susan L. Handy 
Exploring the Relationships between the Use of Uber and Lyft and Other Components of Travel Behavior in California
Alemi, Farzad and Giovanni Circella 
What Drives the Use of Ridehailing in California? Ordered Probit Models of the Usage Frequency of Uber and Lyft
Alemi, FarzadGiovanni CircellaPatricia L. MokhtarianSusan L. Handy 
Estimating Activity and Health Impacts of First and Last Mile Transit Access Programs for Work and Shopping Trips Using Sharing Mobility Services in the Metropolitan Area
Jaller, MiguelCaroline J. RodierElham PourrahmaniJoschka Bischoff 
Competition among Automated Taxis, Transit, and Conventional Passenger Vehicles: Traffic Effects in the San Francisco Bay Area
Competition among Automated Taxis, Transit, and Conventional Passenger Vehicles: Traffic Effects in the San Francisco Bay Area 
Internal Combustion Engine Bans and Global Oil Use
Lewis FultonAmy Myers JaffeZane McDonald 
Technology and Fuel Transition Scenarios to Low Greenhouse Gas Futures for Cars and Trucks in California
Lewis FultonMarshall MillerAndrew BurkeQian WangChris Yang 
Who is buying electric vehicles in California? Characterising early adopter heterogeneity and forecasting market diffusion
Lee, J.H.Scott Hardman, Gil Tal 
Analysis of advanced battery-electric long haul trucks: batteries, performance, and economics
Andrew Burke, Lew Fulton 
Analysis and Projections of BEVs, Renewable Electricity, and GHG Reductions through 2050
Dominguez-Faus, RosaBehdad KianiLewis Fulton 
California Climate Change Target Setting: A Workshop Report and Recommendations to the State of California Based on the Third California Climate Policy Modeling Dialogue and Workshop 
Brown, Austin, Lewis Fulton, Rosa Dominguez-Faus 
An Examination of the Impact That Electric Vehicle Incentives Have on Consumer Purchase Decisions Over Time
Jenn, Alan, Jae Hyun Lee, Scott Hardman, Gil Tal  
Electric Vehicle Incentives in 13 Leading Electric Vehicle Markets
Kong, Nathaniel and Scott Hardman 


Alternative-Fuel-Vehicle Policy Interactions Increase U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Jenn, Alan, Inês Azevedo, Jeremy J. Michalek 
Exploring the Role of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Electrifying Passenger Transportation
Hardman, ScottPatrick PlötzGil TalJonn AxsenPatrick JochemSten KarlssonNazir RefaFrances SpreiBrett D. WilliamsJake WhiteheadBert Witkamp 
A Joint Optimization Scheme for Planning and Operations of Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicle Fleets Serving Mobility on Demand
Sheppard, Colin J.R.Gordon S. BauerBrian F. GerkeJeffery GreenblattAlan JennAnand R. Gopal 
Status Review of Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program, 2016–2018 Q3 (Revised Version)
Witcover, Julie and Colin Murphy 
Uncovering Early Adopter’s Perceptions and Purchase Intentions of Automated Vehicles: Insights from Early Adopters of Electric Vehicles in California
Berliner, Rosaria M.Scott HardmanGil Tal 
Understanding the Impact of Reoccurring and Non-Financial Incentives on Plug-in Electric Vehicle Adoption – A Review
Hardman, Scott 
Symbolism, Signs, and Accounts of Electric Vehicles in California
Kurani, Kenneth S.Nicolette CaperelloJennifer TyreeHagemanJamie Davies 
Who Will Be the Early Adopters of Automated Vehicles? Insights from a Survey of Electric Vehicle Owners in the United States
Hardman, ScottRosaria M. BerlinerGil Tal 
A First Look at Vehicle Miles Travelled in Partially-Automated Vehicles
Hardman, ScottRosaria M. BerlinerGil Tal 
Observed Charging Rates in California
Tal, GilJae Hyun LeeMichael A. Nicholas 
Status Review of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, 2011–2018 Q1 September 2018 Issue
Witcover, Julie 
Who Are the Early Adopters of Fuel Cell Vehicles?
Hardman, Scott and Gil Tal 
A Review of Consumer Preferences of and Interactions with Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Hardman, ScottAlan JennGil TalJonn AxsenGeorge BeardNicolo DainaErik FigenbaumNiklas JakobssonPatrick JochemNeale KinnearPatrick PlötzJose PontesNazir RefaFrances SpreiThomas S. TurrentineBert Witkamp 
Three Revolutions in Transportation
Sperling, Daniel and Austin Brown 
Net-Zero Emissions Energy Systems
Davis, Steven J.Nathan S. Lewis, et al 
NCST Policy Brief: Gender Imbalance in the Plug-in Electric Vehicle Market Threatens to Slow Future Market Growth
Kurani, Kenneth S. 
Estimating Criteria Pollutant Emissions Using the California Regional Multisector Air Quality Emissions (CA-REMARQUE) Model v1.0
Zapata, ChristinaChristopher YangSonia YehJoan M. OgdenMichael J. Kleeman 
Low-Carbon Energy Generates Public Health Savings in California
Zapata, ChristinaChristopher YangSonia YehJoan M. OgdenMichael J. Kleeman 
Natural Gas as a Bridge to Hydrogen Transportation Fuel: Insights from the Literature
Ogden, Joan M.Amy Myers JaffeDaniel ScheitrumZane McDonaldMarshall Miller 
Review of Life-Cycle-Based Environmental Assessments of Geotechnical Systems
Kendall, AlissaAlena B. RaymondJames TiptonJason T. DeJong 
Three Revolutions in Urban Passenger Travel
Fulton, Lewis 
Prospects for Hydrogen in the Future Energy System
Ogden, Joan M. 
Three Revolutions in Urban Passenger Travel
Fulton, Lewis and Junia Compostella 
Biofuel Tracker: Capacity for Low Carbon Fuel Policies – Assessment through 2018
Witcover, Julie and Robert B. Williams 
Electric Vehicles: Approaching the Tipping Point
Sperling, Daniel 
Improving the Representation of Modal Choice into Bottom-up Optimization Energy System Models - The MoCho-TIMES Model
Tattini, JacopoKalai RameaMaurizio GargiuloChristopher YangEamonn MulhollandSonia YehKenneth Karlsson 
Sugar Beet Ethanol (Beta vulgaris L.): A Promising Low-Carbon Pathway for Ethanol Production in California
Alexiades, AnthyAlissa KendallKiara S. WinansStephen R. Kaffka 
What Drives Your Drivers: An In-Depth Look at Lyft and Uber Drivers
Berliner, Rosaria M. and Gil Tal